CSS Pagination

CSS pagination is a very useful technique for indexing different pages of a website on the homepage. If your website has lots of pages, you have to add some sort of pagination to each page.

Following are the different types of pagination:

Basic Pagination

This is the simplest pagination. You have to use pagination class to an

    element to attain this pagination.

    See this example:

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    Basic Pagination with arrow

    This pagination is used when you have lots of pages. It facilitates you to use arrow for previous and next page.

    See this example:

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    Active/Current link and Hoverable Pagination

    This pagination is used when you want to highlight the current page and change the color of each page-link when you move the mouse over them. You have to use .active class, and the :hover selector for this effect.

    See this example:

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    Rounded Active and Hoverable Pagination

    In this pagination, you use border-radius property to get the rounded "active" and "hover" button.

    See this example:

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    Bordered Pagination

    In this pagination, you use border property to add borders to the pagination.

    See this example:

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    Rounded Border Pagination

    This pagination method is used to add rounded borders to your first and last link of pagination.

    See this example:

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    Space Between Pagination

    The margin property is used to get the space between the links in the pagination.

    See this example:

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    Pagination Size

    You can change the size of the pagination by using font-size property.

    See this example:

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    Centered Pagination

    You have to wrap a container element around it (like

    ) and use text-align:center to put the pagination to the center of the page.

    See this example:

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    Previous/Next and Navigation Pagination

    You can add pagination for previous/next button and also for navigation.

    See this example:

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    Breadcrumb Pagination

    A special type of pagination is called breadcrumb pagination.

    See this example:

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CSS Pagination