HTML 5 Tags

There is a list of newly included tags in HTML 5. These HTML 5 tags (elements) provide a better document structure. This list shows all HTML 5 tags in alphabetical order with description.

List of HTML 5 Tags

Tag Description
This element is used to define an independent piece of content in a document, that may be a blog, a magazine or a newspaper article.
It specifies that article is slightly related to the rest of the whole page.
It is used to play audio file in HTML.
The bdi stands for bi-directional isolation. It isolates a part of text that is formatted in other direction from the outside text document.
It is used to draw canvas.
It provides machine readable version of its data.
It provides auto complete feature for textfield.
It specifies the additional information or controls required by user.
It defines a window or a dialog box.
It is used to define a caption for a
It defines a self-contained content like photos, diagrams etc.
It defines a footer for a section.
It defines a header for a section.
It defines the main content of a document.
It specifies the marked or highlighted content.
It defines a command that the user can invoke from a popup menu.
It is used to measure the scalar value within a given range.
It is used to define the navigation link in the document.
It specifies the progress of the task.
It defines what to show in browser that don't support ruby annotation.
It defines an explanation/pronunciation of characters.
It defines ruby annotation along with and .
It defines a section in the document.
It specifies a visible heading for element.
It is used to display shapes.
It is used to define a date/time.
It is used to play video file in HTML.
It defines a possible line break.

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HTML 5 Tags