HTML tag

HTML tag is used to embed an external document in an HTML file which can be a third party application, multimedia, plugin(interactive content), etc. This element is new in HTML5.

Note: The element can be used to contain third party applications as well multimedia documents but in HTML5 the newly added


Following are some specifications about the HTML tag

Display block
Start tag/End tag Both Start and End tag
Usage Embed third-party applications

Example 1

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HTML embed tag


Tag-specific attribute

Attribute Value Description
height pixels It specifies the height of the embedded content
src URL It defines the resource location of the embedded document.
type media-type It specifies the MIME type.
width pixels It determines the width of the embedded content.

Global attribute

The tag supports the global attributes in HTML

Event attribute

The tag supports the event attributes in HTML.

Supporting Browsers

Element chrome browser Chrome ie browser IE firefox browser Firefox opera browser Opera safari browser Safari
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
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HTML embed Tag