HTML font color

The Color is an attribute of tag, which specifies the text color.


We can specify the text color with the following different attribute values:

  • Color_name: This value sets the color of a text by the name of a color.


  • Rgb_number: This value sets the color of a text by the RGB code.


  • Hex_number: This value sets the color of a text by the hex code.

Examples: The following examples use the different value of color attribute:

Example 1: The following example uses the name of a color:

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HTML font color

Example 2: The following example uses the hex code for defining the text color:

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HTML font color

Example 3: The following example uses the rgb number for defining the text color:

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HTML font color

Example 4: The following example uses all the attribute values for the font color.

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HTML font color

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