Scala Seq

Seq is a trait which represents indexed sequences that are guaranteed immutable. You can access elements by using their indexes. It maintains insertion order of elements.

Sequences support a number of methods to find occurrences of elements or subsequences. It returns a list.

Scala Seq Example

In the following example, we are creating Seq and accessing elements from Seq.


52 85 1 8 3 2 7 
Accessing element by using index

You can also access elements in reverse order by using reverse method. Below we have listed some commonly used method and their description.

Commonly used Methods of Seq

Method Description
def contains[A1 >: A](elem: A1): Boolean Check whether the given element present in this sequence.
def copyToArray(xs: Array[A], start: Int, len: Int): Unit It copies the seq elements to an array.
def endsWith[B](that: GenSeq[B]): Boolean It tests whether this sequence ends with the given sequence or not.
def head: A It selects the first element of this seq collection.
def indexOf(elem: A): Int It finds index of first occurrence of a value in this immutable sequence.
def isEmpty: Boolean It tests whether this sequence is empty or not.
def lastIndexOf(elem: A): Int It finds index of last occurrence of a value in this immutable sequence.
def reverse: Seq[A] It returns new sequence with elements in reversed order.

Scala Seq Example

In this example, we have applied some predefined methods of Seq trait.


52 85 1 8 3 2 7 
is Empty: false
Ends with (2,7): true
contains 8: true
last index of 3 : 4
Reverse order of sequence: List(7, 2, 3, 8, 1, 85, 52)
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Scala Seq