5 Simple Ways to Make Your Small Business More Professional

5 Simple Ways to Make Your Small Business More Professional

Small businesses rely on the quality of their websites to attract and maintain a steady traffic flow. A shoddy or poorly maintained site won’t leave a great impression on your customers. If it’s bad enough, you may lose money, stressing the importance of a professional web presence.

You can’t be a widely recognized business without a solid online presence, so it’s in your best interest to start building one immediately. Here are a few small ways to boost your web presence.

Start Using Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Tactics

Tip One:

Search engine optimization, or SEO, is one of the best ways to improve your online presence. While getting your SEO strategy off the ground isn’t easy, it’s the fastest way to bring in warm leads through search traffic. It can even be used to improve your website’s user experience. For example, technical SEO tactics can ensure mobile-friendliness, a big deal for Google. A site’s load time can also impact user experience. Half of all online shoppers will leave a site if it takes longer than three seconds to load, while 26% will leave if load times exceed 6 seconds.

Invest in Graphic Design by Using Pre-Made Templates

Tip TWO:

Visual branding is an important facet of your marketing strategy. The quality of your visuals can help you appear more professional, as everything from your business cards to your content will include them. The key branding elements are logos, typography, colors, graphics, and imagery. Use graphic design templates if you aren’t comfortable using your art skills to create visual mockups. Easy-to-use design software, like BeFunky, utilizes drag-and-drop elements and single-click filters to create stunning graphics and photographs in less than a few minutes.

Leverage Blog Posts, Videos, and Social Media Content


Most marketing tactics, including the 5 in this article, won’t be effective unless you identify your target audience. You can start leveraging blog posts, videos, and social media content to build a captive audience through a great content marketing strategy when you know who they are. But producing all that content will take a lot of time, and most startups don’t have enough staff for the job. To start your strategy strong, hire experienced freelance or contract bloggers, copywriters, videographers, and editors to handle most of the work for you.

Dive Into Paid Advertising, Like Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Ads


Pay-per-click or PPC advertising is a form of digital advertising that allows companies to display ads in response to specific keywords searched by users. These keywords correspond with search engine results. A well-made ad can make your business look and feel professional. While PPC ads are inexpensive, as you only pay when a user clicks on one, please don’t overdo it. Customers who start seeing your ads too often may consider your brand greedy. Hire a digital marketing company for your campaigns if you want to strike the perfect balance.

Interact With Your Followers (Even on Negative Comments)


The internet gives you many options to interact with past, present, and future customers, and you should take advantage of them. Whenever a customer leaves a comment, you should always respond. It shows you’re listening to your customers, which helps build trust and respect. Unfortunately, some of your interactions won’t be positive, but that’s okay. You can calm the customer down and even turn them around if you answer emphatically. Try to get the customer to message you privately so that you can figure out a solution without the spectacle.