TypeScript Version

The complete release history for TypeScript is given below. You can also see the full documentation for recent releases on GitHub.

SN Version Release Date Significant Changes
1. 0.8 01-10-2012
2. 0.9 18-06-2013
3. 1.1 06-10-2014 Performance Improvements
4. 1.3 12-11-2014 Protected modifier, tuple types
5. 1.4 20-01-2015 union types, let and const declarations, type guards, type aliases, template strings
6. 1.5 20-07-2015 ES6 modules, decorators, for..of support, namespace keyword
7. 1.6 16-09-2015 JSX support, abstract classes and methods, local type declarations, intersection types, user-defined type guard functions
8. 1.7 30-11-2015 async and await support
9. 1.8 22-02-2016 constraints generic, control flow analysis errors, string literal types, allowJs
10. 2.0 22-09-2016 control flow based type analysis, null-and undefined-aware types, never type, discriminated union types, readonly keyword, type of this for functions
11. 2.1 08-11-2016 mapped types, keyof and lookup types, object spread and rest
12. 2.2 22-02-2017 object type, mix-in classes
13. 2.3 27-04-2017 async iteration, strict option, generic parameter defaults
14. 2.4 27-06-2017 dynamic import expressions, improved inference for generics, string enums, strict contravariance, for callback parameters
15. 2.5 31-08-2017 optional catch clause variables
16. 2.6 31-10-2017 strict function types
17. 2.7 31-01-2018 fixed length tuples, constant-named properties
18. 2.8 27-03-2108 improved keyof with intersection types, conditional types
19. 2.9 14-05-2018 support for symbols and numeric literals in keyof and mapped object types
20. 3.0 30-07-2018 project references, extracting and spreading parameter lists with tuples
21. 3.1 27-09-2018 mappable tuple and array types
22. 3.2 30-09-2018 stricter checking for bind, call, apply
23. 3.3 31-01-2019 Improved behavior on methods of union types, incremental builds for composite projects.
24. 3.4 29-03-2019 Faster incremental builds with the --incremental flag, type inference from generic functions, readonly modifier for arrays and tuples, const assertions, type-checking for globalThis.
25. 3.5 29-05-2019 Speed improvements, Improved excess property checks in union types, faster incremental builds, Omit helper type, smarter union type checking

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TypeScript Versions