XPath Predicate

Predicate specifies XPath expressions written in square bracket. It is used to restrict the selected nodes in a node set for some conditions. See the use of predicate in the "employee" example.


Index Predicate Description
1) /class/employee[1] It will select first employee element which is child of the class element.
2) /class/employee[last()] It will select last employee element which is child of the class element.
3) /class/employee[@id = 002] It will select employee element where id is 002.
4) /class/salary[salary > 10000] It will select employee element where salary is greater than 10000.

XPath Predicate Example

Let's take an example to create a table of element with their details, by iterating over each employee. This example uses predicate to calculate the position of the employee node and then print the employee details.




XPATH Predicate 1

Note:In the above example, you can see that all four queries are fetched.

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XPath Predicate