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Joomla Create Menus

by Online Tutorials Library

Joomla- Create Menus

Menus and menu items are the most important elements of a website. They are used to create the structure of the page. Users can easily navigate through the website with the help of Joomla menus. Each menu can contain multiple menu items. In this article, we are going to show you how can you create or add Joomla menus.

Create Menus

The site may contain several different menus. Joomla contains options to create menus by default. Check out the steps below to understand how to create menus in Joomla:

Step 1

First of all, log in to your Joomla account using the credentials.

Step 2

Click on “Menus – Manage – Add New Menu” from the Joomla Taskbar.

Joomla Create Menus

Or you can click on the ‘Menu(s)‘ option, which is available on the Joomla Control Panel Page. It will open the Menu Manager page; click on the ‘New‘ button from the toolbar.

The following page will be displayed after clicking on the ‘New’ button:

Joomla Create Menus

Step 3

Now, you are required to fill the following details in the given form:

Title It is used to indicate the title (Name) of the menu.
Menu Type It is used to select the menu type.
Description It is an optional field. You can type the description of the menus.
Menu Permissions It is used to choose the permissions for the menus. It is better to keep the default permissions.

Step 4

Once you have filled all the information, click on the ‘Save‘ button. It will create a Joomla Menu for your site. You can also click on the ‘Save and Close‘ button, and it will close the current window after saving the menu. If you want to add several menus continuously, then you can use the ‘Save & New‘ button, and it will open a new window after saving the previous one. Click on the ‘Cancel‘ button if you do not want to add a menu on your site.

List of menus should look like the following image:

Joomla Create Menus

That is how you can create Joomla menus for your site. Assign a module for the created menus and add menu items.

Note: The created Joomla Menu will not be displayed on the site if you do not assign a module to it. You also need to add menu items under the created menu, which will be displayed on the site.

Next TopicAdding Menu Items

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